What Is Phygital?

Marketing Dictionary at Monash University:
“Phygital is the concept of using technology to bridge the digital world with the physical world with the purpose of providing a unique interactive experiences for the user.”

Customer Experience as defined by the Global Growth Agents:
“Using phygital to connect the online and offline worlds will allow you to create closer, more efficient, and human customer experiences.”

Phygital Marketing as described by the Marketing Insider Group:
“…phygital marketing involves communicating with potential customers who might toggle between in-store and online shopping. While mobile shopping continues to rise, customers also use their mobile devices to enhance in-store shopping experiences.”

Phygital Retail as explained by the sitel group:
“The convenience of online shopping merges with the instant gratification of buying in store rather than having to wait days for shipping.”

Customer Communications as explained by The TechTarget network:
“As the channels of customer interaction and communication proliferate, companies aim to make combining these channels frictionless and seamless, enabling a customer to make a phone call, then communicate in a social media platform, then send an email, without the company losing the thread of the communication or a sense of the customer issues associated with the customer account record.”